The Way of The World
The Way Of The World
They call it the Little Boy,
But is itreally the Little Boy?
For the lives of millions it did destroy,
It dashed their hopes and slaughtered their joy.
I was a little girl of only two,
When the atrocious crimes I was subjected to
Scenes of death after death unfurled
Is this the way of the world?
Up into the horizon rose fire, dust and smoke
Churning and burning and killing human folk.
What was their fault? What did they do?
But that is the way of the world, isn't it true?
I myself am a victim of the heinous atom bomb
Chances of my survival had almost gone
For I had developed blood cancer
Is this the way of the world? Is this the answer?
With a year to live, I had to cope
But a dear friend brought a ray of hope
She told me to make a thousand paper cranes
I thought doing so would end all my pains.
I put my heart and soul in making paper cranes
But soon all my energy was drained
Destiny had something untoward in store
I could not make more than six forty four.
I am no more
But I’m shaken to the core
Man is making weapons
And increasing this store.
From far above, I can very well see
Mankind is as barbarous as it can be.
Stop now and listen to me.
Of malice and hatred let this world be free.
I have risen up to remind mankind
That yes, this is the way of the world
But changes can me made
Nuclear disarmament should not be delayed.
Destruction is the destination and nuclear weapons are the road
So the world must thrive to be a peaceful abode
No more victims like me would you want
Their very existence will be just a haunt.
It is still not too late
With strenuous efforts, we can change our fate.
We must strive to be free of hate
The world must be peaceful-that is what I pray,
And that must be the world’s way.