The way of success
Success is the ripples in currents of water
that draws in or deters people who cannot stand
against it's current path. Determination is a
wind that cannot be stopped and has no point
to quit. Pressing through against the waves
of the sea is to fight for freedom, better future,
and most of all success in all one can achieve.
Believing will be the iron heavy enough to
keep one on the ground from being uplifted
from the doubt that sweeps and destroys comfort.
A mind with intent to go forward will see many
abundant riches in due time, such as a miner
see's and brings a pure diamond for loads
of cash. In all this, my struggles has been
something that kept me down. I look towards
meditation and positive aspects that brings me
through the terrible times of my life. My focus,
strength and perserverance flows from the two
main things and is why I will not give up the good
fight for success and the difficulties there are in it.