anger boiling in me
Oh lord when will I be free
My dark past haunting me
Happiness will i see?
It got my cheast heavy
Cant breath
Why my feelings so slippery
Happy now minutes later um angry
Oh lord save my soul
Um heading towards gates of hell
Take charge of life
Take dis out, give me peace
Heard you the prince of peace
Oh lord,oh lord I wanna be free
Um on my knees
I repent all my sins
anger boiling in me
Oh lord when will I be free
Oh lord,oh lord I wanna be free
prince of peace, wanna be free
Um tired of this world satisfaction
All I need is you redemption
Ur perfection
Make me a new creation
The bible says if anyman be in Christ
He is a new creature
Old things are passed away
Behold all things are become new
Wanna be born again
Dnt wanna die in vain
Lord take away dis pain
I receive an entirely new life
Recreate my spirit
One without a past
Born of the word of god and the spirit of god
anger boiling in me
Oh lord when will I be free
Oh lord,oh lord I wanna be free
prince of peace, wanna be free
I now believe you died for me
And god raised from the dead just for me
beautiful is your love
given from above
cleansing us from every mess
lord um all yours
holy spirit take charge of my life
to all worldy intoxications I bid a goodbye
lost everything cant afford to lose my soul
lord I give you my life
um wholly determined to grow in you
the light,the way, the truth