The Wandering of a Soul
From the rolling commons of the countryside
To the vast expanse of the ocean,
To the comfortable domain of home
There is a soul. wandering aimlessly
Lost in more ways than just one
The weight of life’s toll is that of a ton.
Pursuing the riches of understanding without a map
Wandering into the wise sentinels that are the forests,
Only to find an indifference not bringing satisfaction.
Moving onward to the established piety
Which brings no more understanding than meek society.
Continuing the journey with finding beautiful masterpieces
With some solace but no comprehension of its meaning,
Desperate to find an answer to the journey
The question irritates the mind like a burning cyst
As this soul begins to stare into the abyss.
Through adversity this wandering phantom discovers something
An answer hidden in plain sight yet in a remote place
A place where many refuse to go to
A place where many fear to even think about
A place where some are unaware of
The answer this soul wants can not be located on a bookshelf
The answer this soul wants is in one’s self.