To Wake Up Like This
To wake up to the sound of my own broken heart
that is the worst way to start the day
To wake up thinking about how you left
makes me want to drive a knife through my heart
To wake up not knowing the future of us
I feel so hopeless ever since you’re gone
To wake up hearing myself cry,
of my heart shattering
and this time, its pieces will be left on the cold concrete.
How many times will my pride need to be left out the door?
How many more times do I need to apologize?
How long will it be
until you come back to me?
These are the last thoughts I have before I close my eyes
And these are the first inklings I ponder as I wake
No need for coffee, my anxiety will drive me this time
You’re no longer here and I stand paralyzed.
I wake up knowing that nothing I do
will ever bring me back to you
I had one chance and I messed it all up
And now, I will spend the rest of my life
ruminating my mistakes
waking up to my forever broken heart.