Waiting for Something
She stands on the rugged sea shell beach, waiting for something to happen. Her life has not been really exciting, and she hasn't particularly been described as an ambitious person. She thought that going to the beach would spark something because it's wide open and offers adventure. She just wanted to know if she was still alive. She felt the sharp sea shells scratch her feet. She felt the wind blow her curly hair, and she tastes the salt from the waves on her tongue. She was tired of being alive, but not living. She wanted something to be revealed; a sign of some sorts. College has been good to her and she is on her way to graduating. She thought to herself, "Is this what I really wanted?" She felt like a wave being pulled back in forth. Something has to happen and she can't leave it up to other people or some sort of fate. She had her sign, and that was simply being alive. She decides where she goes. She decides her career. She decides her fate. The ocean roared loud as if it was happy that she found out how to truly live. She smiled, threw up her peace sign to the beach and began to walk home. *Something happened.*
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