It's giving wholeheartedly and not receiving
You pour into someone else
and they don't pour back into you
Leaving you empty
With a bottomless void to fill
The empty void hurts
Such major change so quickly
It fades over time
It numbs
It doesn't feel
But when it's numb it's dangerous
It changes you
You lure affection in and try to be filled
For a fleeting second you are comforted
But it's just temporary
No matter how much is poured into you
It evaporates
You remain empty
Is your void going to hurt forever?
Will you always be empty?
But maybe not
You can't trick the void
It knows what it needs
Protect it
Take care of it
Shelter it
Because one day
Maybe soon
Maybe not
Someone will come
You'll give wholeheartedly, and you'll receive
You pour into someone else and they pour into you
Leaving you the opposite of void