Voiceless Words
There are days I could scream
scream at the top of my lungs,
scream untuil my voice is gone,
silenced like my voice is now.
I could scream and never be heard,
so I do not even open my mouth.
There are many things I could say
but I keep them all in,
letting them bounce aroun and rattle in my skull.
I keep it all in because I know that words hurt,
I know that they can cut deeper than any blade,
and that they can hurt more than any blow.
So I don't say what I know can hurt others.
I am careful with my words,
because every word has value.
I rarely say something I don't mean,
because my voice is the only weapon I have
that can both protect and hurt me.
So if I speak listen closely,
think about what has been said,
I don't want to waste my breath
if it will get neither of us nowhere.