I am not the voice of the voiceless
i am a voice that wants to be understood
the sounds of my laughter brings me joy, while others remain to be angry
I am a voice that resonates the message of a rap lyric in which i find catchy, whie others find it annoyance
I want no greed nor do i want approval
I am not the voice of the voiceless
I stand tall like the himalayas
I feel the spirits that awaits for me
I feel satin infiltrating hatred to my soul in which will never listen to its own lies
I internally scream for all the things lost, far, and distant
I am not the voice of the voiceless
I define the true meaning of love that's in my heart
I kneel to say my prayers everyday for guidance
I dream that good things will happens
I just have to do the right thing
I try to change people for the better.
but people need to change because they want to change
I am not the voice of the voiceless
Guide that inspired this poem: