Vapor Always Disappears
I hate when people use me. Smile in my face but turn around to abuse me. Ive got a big heart and thats where it starts. I do things for others when they dont deserve it. I swallow my anger and i try not to show it. But it kills me cause im sensitive, i strive to be different but i get captured into the sane abusive routine. Sometmes i sleep cause i want to wake up but my life is no dream. I hate everyday of it but its a sin if i put an end to it. Im just waiting on my master to call me back. This is nothing but a disaster and i hope he calls me back. I miss home in paradise. Nothing hurt and everyone truly cared. No evil and no envy in their stares. I wish people would notice how much i try. No im not perfect not even the man in the sky. Appreciate my flaws and thank me for my effort. Let me in when you sit in the dark and thank me for my effort. Appreciate me while m here. Angels dont last forever, angels always disappear. #LyricalGoddess909 #NotOfThisWorld