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You smile.
A few people clap.
Then a few more.
Finally, the whole class is applauding.
You smile with relief.
Your thoughts have been validated.
That was a nice picture.
You thought your speech went well.
But nothing matters
without validation.
Validating you as a person.
Validating your self-esteem.
Saying to you,
"Yes, you are good enough."
"Yes, you did a good job."
But why do we need validation?
Why can't we be content with our own feelings,
our own thoughts,
our own self-esteem?
Why must we seek the approval of others,
the approbation,
the allowance to continue?
Your thoughts are enough.
If you thought that picture was pretty,
why refresh for likes?
You think, therefore it is.
You thought you did well on the speech.
Even if others didn't clap,
you did well on the speech because you think you did.
You think, therefore it was.