Valentines Day
Valentines Day.
A ridiculous holiday made up for couples.
If I didn't know any better, I would cry out
On how it's secret agenda was to make singles feel like shit.
Singles, and anyone who is unable to waste money or get laid on said day.
I've had Valentines before.
They were all a waste of time.
Each bringing me to force a smile upon my face
as if I wasn't strongly dissapointed in their lack of affection.
Each year I spent as a Valentine-less person,
I spent locked up in my room, as my mood would worsen.
Relying on other singles on tumblr to let it be known
that I wasn't the only one alone with a nonexistent love life.
Facebook is a danger on Valentines Day,
The sickening amount of photos posted by couples
on their gifts and dinners out, could bring me to vomit over and over again
While I cry to my single self on how I'm forced to attend this sickening holiday.
If I could, I would sleep through the entire 14th of February
along with the 15th of February, for you could never be too careful
with the stragglers who post late photos on facebook.
It is a day where the only positive way to mourn my love life
is to happily take advantage of the free memberships for pornsites.