The Uprising
The light shines thorugh the only window
inside of her eerie cocoon,
symablaizing the fantasy
that she can only dare to dream about.
Downstairs, you sit there on your throne
reading your newspaper while
the muffled sounds of despair
threaten to break through the walls.
She's screaming so loud,
so incredibly loud she's not sure
if it's even her voice anymore
that is releasing the scary sound.
"Let me out! Please I beg of you!"
"Someone, anyone, can you hear me?"
"I'm dying! Please! I can't go on like this!"
Do you care? Why would you?
You're in control and you are very aware.
In your eyes, there is no other way.
Those who don't follow you deserve to die.
But upstairs, locked in that cellar,
she so desperatley is breaking through
your walls of confinement.
You think you own her?
You think she's scared?
Please don't mistake the cries and wails
of despair as a sign of surrenderance.
You think you won?
You think she's learned her lesson?
You fail to realize that those
are cries of a warrior.
The time has come where nice has ended.
She no longer cries for your acceptance.
She cries for the freedom and revelation
that has rocked her body from the constant
restraint you thought you held her in.
Oh my dear sir,
while you sit on your throne
and declare a victory that will never be yours,
she sits upstairs in that eerie cocoon,
because at the very moment
you sit on your throne,
she stands tall in the light from
the only window, embracing
the warmth of the empire she is building.
You live in her world, her fantasy:
the one you thought she couldn't even
dare to dream about.
You are a mere guest in her mansion,
waiting in her foyer while she walks
around upstairs laughing at
your inevitable demise.
And while you make yourself comfortable
and trick your mind into thinking you have won,
the queen sits upon her window perch,
the light shining directly on her,
basking in the glorification of the
uprising of a new empire.
You hear muffled cries of a torn girl.
She hears the cries of a warrior taking back what's hers.
You have been warned.