The Un-Killable Crops
When given the choice
Of what I would change
I say go big
Or go home
I would change
The way life works
and even make God
Scratch his head
Imagine a world
Where poverty isn't an issue
Even for
The periphery
Think of life
Where every state is satisfied
Where hunger
Simply did not exist
So now you're probably wondering
What would I change?
What is my point?
Where are you going with this?
I would change
The structure of plants
The plants that give us food
Food we need to live
I'd make crops
So that everyone
Can be hunger-free
Even in the dryest desert
The coldest ice block
The rockiest terrain
My plants would grow
Every poor country
Would be given
The opportunity
To prosper
I want food to be available
To every last human
In this greedy and gluttonous world
We live in
Food grows for everyone
Simply invincible