Tugging Lightly At the Wol
Running the streets forever without a lesh they make us dogs.
They have the low class citizens jumping for money like frogs.
Protests are the usual you see them all the time isnt it obvious the media is using
them as pawns.
Im sorry but im not very fond with the lies they say if anything the white in the flag is
becoming gray.
Since were talking colors money isnt green red is the color like the police files
we dont see.
Theres more to the story then a simple click and send like memes.
Its now time to choose sides get on teams.
No one can see the truth since all we see is thumbs on a lit screen.
Hopefully someone will see what i mean the media has us like dope feens.
The rich are still full.
But for right now im only lightly tugging at the wol.