The truth (among other things)
People like drama
they are hard to please
hard to entertain
hard to hold on to
slipping through your fingers like water
So far gone.
When I do the right thing I feel hollow
empty and alone
it had to be done
you got under my skin
and i don't think it's a good thing
there's a reason I have walls
i dont want you to tear them down
I don't think you can handle what's on the other side
so I rebuilt with bricks I made of bitterness
and annoyingness
and bitchiness
i tried my best to be my worst
to kill the warm thing that had started to grow
between us
I smothered it with bricks
and drove the wedge
between us.
But there was never an us
i would say say welcome to the outside
but I never let you in
I had moments when I let my guard down
because you get under my skin
and it's not a good thing.
those moments,
they were mistakes
i hope i am strong enough
to never repeat,
for your sake
and mine.
ive never wanted to kiss someone so much one moment
and chuck them off a bridge the next
i will not let this be
sad beautiful tragic
i am not some silly girl
in a frilly dress
i refuse to let my heart break
i refuse to be another demon in your life
I've never felt this way before
and that is dangerous
Which is reason number 1
that I had to do
what I did.
reason 2: you love someone else.
and as much as I would rather chuck her off a bridge instead. love means something.
Reason number three: I'm not a good person; not good enough.
and she is a saint in your eyes while I..... I don't think you even see me really.
Reason number 4: I know when someone's heart is taken
despite being a terrible human being
I have some morals.
I am wise and foolish.
Wise because I drove you away
and also foolish because now I can't talk to you
without feeling hurt.
And that's idiotic.
But it's the idiotic truth I think
you deserve to know
see what I saved you from?
A lifetime of me
and what could have been.
Good deed complete
broken heart check
facade back in place
And we are a go.
So Thats it
the truth.
I'm sorry.
That's all.