The True Me
We live in a world full of people,
People who are born of truth.
But as we begin to get older,
We leave the candor behind with our youth.
A modest grin completes my “selfie,”
Photo enhancements seem to hide the real smile.
No one should encourage what a perfect photo is,
Or that looking skinny in pictures is in style.
There’s no need to angle the camera,
For there is no side of me more perfect than the other.
All of me is perfectly imperfect,
And that’s what we should see in each other.
It is never about what I wear.
I find that jeans and a casual t-shirt will do.
I see trendy hairstyles as a last priority,
For I can’t help but mind what others have to struggle through.
I’d rather have consequences for being the real me,
For my words come from my own heart and thought.
It’s better than being punished and making you aware,
That you were really being someone you were not.
It wasn’t too long ago,
That I didn’t know how to use eyeliner.
While others concealed their flaws with makeup,
The frantic concern to me was quite minor.
I will go far in this world,
I don’t need a mask, you see.
The world cannot put me to shame.
I don’t need a filter, for this is the true me.