Tripping Over Heels
I can't seem to remember
when time ran away
I know it must have been here
at some point before the play
It makes me feel so dizzy
when I turn around
tripping on my own two feet
falling through the crowd
Although I believe in foward
in moving on and out
I know I have regrets
This I know with out a doubt
I wish that I had woken
to smell the coffee's fumes
because then I would have spoken
the thoughts I so easily lose
I wish that I had spoken
yelled out to the crowd
my thoughts that make me who I am
the things that make me proud
I wish that I had stood up
and danced with all my heart
to the rhythm of my life
the one of which I am part
There are many that build my life
many who bring it down
many who will never understand
but also many who astound
There are things I should have said to all
unmerous different things
I hope that I can turn it around
by being my self and spreading my wings