tribute to you mr.donald sterling
you enslaved black players
treated them as if they were subservient to where they made less money making you more richer
you got away way with this for too long and now the table turned
i always say what's done in the dark will come to light
that moment arrived
when audio tape was playing over and over like a broken record
saying how your girlfriend was associating with black people
did you forget that your girlfriend was half black and half mexican?
she forgot too because she refer minorities as the blacks and the mexicans
the sad part is not onkly she looks like tattoo from fantasy island
she is a disgrace to minorities
the players spoke out not as rivals
but a community
players wore their t-shirts inside out
they wore their warm-ups inside out
threw it doen to mid-court with emphatic disgust
we all listen
it was understood loud and clear
players stood up to a cause beyond basketball
and justice prevail
not only you were ban for life
you owe 2.5 million dollars
and the heat is on to sell the team immediately
this is what you get for defining the meaning of a racist
let's be clear
don't let this be about black or white
because minorities are racist amongst each other
it's more about humanity and equality as a nation
we can all learn and appreciate