I might look content
Or seem happy
I wear a smile upon my face
I hold my head high
Just like my mother told me
It may seem like i have a lot of confidence
It may seem like i don't have a care in the world
But deep inside I'm trapped
I'm trapped inside of this body
Yes, I may wear a facade
But that's just to impress everybdy
Because deep inside I'm struggling
Trying to get out of this barricade you call a body
My soul scratches and claws to get out
It wants to be free and dance about
It wants to have no problems
No worries
It wants to make no sacrifices
My soul wants to sing
And just travel the world
It wants to be free
But on the outside I may look content
Or seem happy
I wear a smile upon my face
And i hold my head high
Just like my mother told me
It may seem like I have a lot of confidence
But don't let that facade fool you
It may seem like I don't have a care in the world
But truth be told
I'm trapped in this body