The total sweet tooth
It's always been my passion
But I never realized
How much work it could be
From the schooling to the fees
I never knew how much work it really was
But even though it's tough
I'm going to push myself
To strive and achieve
My dream
To have my own bakery
Would be the sweetest
I'd be waking up the earliest
Baking each and every morning
Even sometimes scorching
The creations I made by hand
But it would all be my own
The pleasure that baking gives me
It overflows me
Making cupcakes and sweet treats
Nothing else could ever beat
The happiness that baking gives me
Is like no other feeling
I want to own a bakery
And in the bakery would be an aray of colors
Bright, vibrant colors that welcome you
Make you want to buy more and more
Every cupcake would be special
A work of art for every customer
Cupcakes customized for you
The subway of cupcakes
Seeing the smile on the customers faces
That is what I would work for
To make them happy
That is the greatest dream of all