Too little, Too late.
Every day she walks alone, through the drabby halls.
Whispers follow her wherever she goes, as though they come from the walls.
She pulls the sleeves of her hoodie further and further down,
Hiding the story upon her arms she has written while she continues to drown.
Life has become too much for her to bear alone
Yet every day, no one can break her composure of stone.
Her English teacher hands out journals and makes everyone write
About their lives, their problems, their dreams, or anything in sight.
Everyday she writes about the struggles of her life,
Her alcoholic dad and the comfort of a knife.
The teacher reads her words at night, but can she really see
The broken girl in front of her, who can't seem to break free
of the teasing of those other girls. The bullies of the school.
Gossip spreads from corner to corner, the girl looks like a fool.
Yet day after day the teacher remains silent, and the girl loses the life in her eyes.
Her hoodies become larger, her eyes become darker, her head is filled with lies.
She's losing all hope in herself, the teacher just looks the other way
The teacher thinks she's just another teenage girl, she has nothing to say.
This girl is so young, the teacher thinks she just needs to learn her place.
But too little, too late. She's too far gone, she's already taken out of the race.
And when each teacher is pulled out of their classroom and handed the terrible news,
One teacher finds a particular journal and starts seeing all the clues.
So we ask eachother why, did that beautiful girl want to die.
And we act as though we'll never know, but that's the blandest lie.
For the words of her plan were there all along, in a journal of black and white.
And a stubborn teacher who couldn't speak up because she didn't think it to be right.
Our teachers refuse to involve themselves in matters that seem too scary
But why, oh why, did this beautiful girl die when this teacher was completely wary
of the troubles she faced every day. But it's over now, too little too late.
This talented young girl took the pills and traveled down to heaven's gate.
She was so young and beautiful, they say she couldn't be saved.
But that teacher must feel so guilty that she didn't follow her down the road she paved.