A family member, a friend, a cousin
Alone, desperate, looking for a place to lay her head
A job, a home, a bed
A lie, a betrayal, a death
The kind of death that creeps into your veins and lives there
Blue lips, still body, and for once a silent mind
Smiles lost, tears flowing, hearts shattering
Screams into the night shakeing the very core of the earth,
A loneliness
I have been broken
and though that week you begged me not to go, I still left.
Reassuring with a smile that I would be back, but not knowing that that would be the last time I ever saw you...
A phone call...
I knew that you were gone and all of the breath left my body as if you had taken my soul with you
Dread and tears, soon replaced with anger as I tried to curl your hair just the way you loved it
My knees clanking like glass shattering as they hit the ground at the sight of you
and though I will always regret leaving you, it was you that left me
Your drug of choice destroying my will to live as you pushed it into your body
You just wanted to be numb and now I know that need
That need of quenching your thirst as if you'd been walking for hours on the broken pieces of your life
The sharp edges of judgment cutting your toes as you forced your way through
A new home, a new state, new faces
Once again, I know that need
Alone, desperate, looking for a place to my lay head
A job, a home, a bed
Slowly picking out the pieces embedded in my heels
Not good enough
Keep pushing
Not good enough
Keep pushing
Not good enough
Keep pushing
A school, a campus, a college
A picture on the wall that looks just like her
A graduate
A reason to go on
A reason to inspire
A reason to get better
Sunlight, an alarm clock
Time to wake up...