A Time For Faith
He calls them all
Into The Throne Room
The Breezes, the Winds, the Whirlwinds
Ready they come
He tells them His plans
Sends them off
The Freezing Breeze
Is Sent through the fruit-bearing branches
It questions
“A time to die,”
He whispers
The Strong Wind
Is Sent to destroy a sail
“For what gain?”
It begs
“A time to tear,”
He whispers
The Forceful Whirlwind
Is Sent to rip through a town
“To benefit who?”
It wails
“A time to mourn,”
He whispers
He leaves them all
Without answers
The Breezes, the Winds, the Whirlwinds –
But they know
That to try to understand His plans
Would be meaningless –
A Chasing after the Wind.
(With excerpts from the NIV Bible)