Time is just an element. Why do we make it more than that? Time is just an element, not a physical being we attract. Tell me now, why is time our biggest fear? Why is time divided into years? Why is time the crown jewel? Why is time the greatest rule? Time is just an element, I do not see why we carry it on our backs. Aren't plain and simple moments, a good enough reason to stand back? Stop and smell the roses, but we dont if time will not allow, why the hell did humans evolve if we let time run our lives any how. Time is just an element, why do we let it limit our days? Time is just an element, that's all I can seem to say- Father time we created, is punishing his children every day. Time is just an element, we shield ourselves from wind, rain, and snow, so why is it we can't shield ourselves from times elemental flow.