Thick Headed Baby / 5 Minutes in Church
Short hair, shoulders wide,
kinda short,
More stubborn than anybody else in my whole damn life!
Stop talking to me like, that.
Walking up to me,
When my mother's right by my side,
She doesn't need a second look.
If she could pick you out of a line-up of more than 6 girls we got a problem.
If I get outted by some g-d-m "hey why does that boyish looking girl keep talking to you, what kind of friends do you have?"
by some g-d-m "I'm so gay!" because you couldn't hold off talking about your celebrity crush for a hour at church-
What'd you mean, uh-uh?
First of all, that's blasphemy, don't you mean gosh-darn it
I sure don't
Second of all, second of all,
I'm stubborn and you're thick headed, because
You talk to me like this and I'm sitting by your side, because
I love you
and you risked your mother's wrath
to almost sit in my lap for five minutes, because-
It's only been two minutes-
You love me too
Stop fussing and we can sit in peace together for three minutes
You love me too
Sure do!