They'd Rather I Die
My father would rather me be with a man
Who sinks his teeth into my skin
Like a hungry pig
Than for me to be in love with a woman
Who glides her fingers down my spine
Like I am artwork
He'd rather me find strength in the endurance
Of greedy hands and shallow lust
That will consume me
Than to find strength in the painful endurance
Of their judgemental glances
What is it they'll think?
The man who raised me would rather me be crushed
By the hands of an abuser
As long as he's male
Than to see how the eyes of God turn from me
When the homophobic poison
Destroy and mock me
I have no regaurd for what he wants for me
My desire to love her is...
Too overwhelming
The comfort I find in her smile will live
Even when others try to kill it
I'll love her always