They Pay You for This?
Teachers don’t get paid enough
This is true.
But define the word, teacher.
Use it in a sentence.
Spell it.
When you’ve taught a child to do all those things efficiently with confidence,
It is true, that you ARE a teacher
And they could not pay you enough, in money or gratitude for your dedication.
Yet, we learn at a young age, that punishment has a tendency to be a group activity,
often caused by one’s peers and not one’s own self
Therefore, I am sorry that you too are being held back by your fellow “teachers”
To each and every man and woman that refuses to function as a minimal educator for your above minimum wage pay check, this is for you.
The teenage mothers working at the fast food joints in those inner city neighborhoods, are more worthy of their paychecks than you are.
The prostitute, selling herself on the corner, worked harder for her sleazy wages than you did.
Each time you give a child a condescending glare for asking a question that you don’t have the answer to
Each time you ignore a child’s raised hand, hoping that they will give up on asking you,
so that you do not have to answer
Each time you sit on your ass with your computer screen flashing your facebook timeline,
while your students teach themselves the next lesson
Each time, there is a teacher, most likely just down the hall
working ten times harder than you for the same damn wages
And I suggest that you get up
Walk your undeserving self, down that hall
And thank that brilliant educator, for earning your wages
Because it’s true.
Teachers do not get paid enough
Yet, they still pay you.