There are no B's in Voltaire
There are no B’s in Voltaire.
There are no soft curves
or honeycombs
or yellow stripes
There are no bumps
and crevices
and lumps in Voltaire.
There are points
and reasons
and opinions
and valleys
and slants
but there are no B’s in Voltaire.
There are B’s on paper
B’s in albums
B’s on lips and doubled by family.
But there are no B’s or BB’s or
beers or bitches or beaches
or trices or traces.
There are none of these in Voltaire.
There are no great aunts
or second cousins
or authors with an x
or Much Ado’s
or even Dante’s
There are no longer any B’s in this Voltaire.
B was 4’9” and kicked ass
B was wise.
B was sick.
B sleeps where all past grandma’s sleep.
B was a long e with a ch-sound and i-c-e
B was but not is.
This B is a V.
This V is Voltaire.
There are no B’s in Voltaire.