Thank You
Grazie*, Gracias*, Spasiba*, Merci* and Thank You
There a ton of ways to express one’s gratitude.
There will never be enough words to say dank u*,
And to not say thank you would be rude.
Mother, how I love you so much.
You gave me a life of my own.
That is a gift that shall never be my crutch,
As my life is mine and mine alone.
If it was not for you, mother,
I wouldn’t be here right now,
Wanting to be consumed in another
Hug, wishing for life to slow somehow.
Thank you, mother of mine, for everything.
I may get ticked off about something small,
But my love for you is more valuable than a wedding ring,
Even though, I need to figure out my life, once and for all.
I thank you for getting me as far as you have gotten me.
There will never be enough words to put down
That expresses my gratitude. I love you, even when we disagree,
But the disagreements are the best part of the eventual breakdown.
We will always fight, and you will give me advice about boys.
I will always think that I know better and give you serious attitude.
You will handle my attitude with the elegance and poise,
Required of a mother. You have my gratitude.
Seriously, without an awesomely fantastic mother like you,
Who in the world knows where I would be at this point of my life?
I know you will be there like usual, even if you really don’t want to.
You inspire me to strive to get everything out of this life.
Thanks, mom. Your love inspires me to be the best I can be.
You will always be the truest mother I have ever had.
Your love is as true and endless as the open sea.
I can always trust you to be there when something goes bad.
For many other reasons that I cannot simply put down on paper,
I thank you for anything and everything.
*Means “Thank you” in Italian, Spanish, Russian, French, and Dutch, in that order