Thank God for the Constellations
For being able to walk outside and look at the constellations,
I am thankful.
I spend hours outside tracing the stars with my fingertips,
creating combinations astronomers haven't even thought of yet.
My favorite was a dreamcatcher -
although it was a combination of Cassiopeia and the Big Dipper,
it reminded me of all the goals I wanted to accomplish.
I am grateful for the opportunity to achieve my dreams,
and my heart sinks for those whose desires can never come to fruition.
Next to the dreamcatcher I outlined a perfectly rounded raindrop,
even though I may have stolen the belt off of Orion.
I am thankful that I can wash my car
without having to worry about running out of water.
Settled perfectly underneath, my fingers traced their way around a shiny crown.
It was so polished and bright that it reminded me of the motorcycle my dad bought the other day;
he took us for a ride around the city and I laughed at the wind whipping my hair around.
I then traced a box of tissues to use to wipe my teary eyes
as I was reminded that many families cannot afford such luxuries;
and that the motorcycle we bought could feed a hungry family for a month.
I am thankful for the ability to live comfortably, and not paycheck to paycheck.
Finally, I looked at my perfectly crafted dreamscape of constellations,
and I am grateful merely because I can see them.
Many families cannot see the stars, because of air pollution and chemicals.
I am lucky for the ability to imagine,
and to gaze upon the lovely array of constellations in the first place.
I am thankful for many things, but most of all I am thankful for the stars,
because the stars remind me of everything I have and everything I'm lucky not to have lost.