Shot down while I was broken still healing from the words unspoken.
As the situations raging,
I’m just flipping through His pages.
Ultimately His words are the best to find healing and rest.
Peace that only He can supply.
Can’t you see it’s written in the sky?
Something so unmeasurably profound,
Every sunrise unique
Every sunset its own.
I don’t have a rhyme or a reason,
Just a time with a season.
A place and a purpose that only He put on this surface.
So elaborate my story just he should get the glory.
As the pieces of myself keep falling,
I’m still stalling
For death and destruction that is blinded by pleasure.
My feeling of contentment keeps getting lost in resentment.
So the battle continues only with many issues.
As I’m being torn from the left to the right from the dark to the light.
I can stand firm in knowing that my Savior is resounding always astounding in His power and grace.
My thoughts are overwhelming as my story keeps unfolding.
My stories not so normal neither is it formal.
Was born in April
Rockin in a cradle
Born to early could have died that morning
But the Lord had other plans and now here I stand.
School was somewhat rough
As the words on the page got jumbled around in my little brain.
Tears would often soak the page
As I had a passion to learn yet my brain couldn’t understand.
Though times have somewhat changed.
I still struggle with this burden.
Don’t feel too bad
I’ve learned to coup
As so have most.
Was raised in the church and fell in love with the Lord
As you can hopefully tell.
I grew with the times and moved out of the state, in hopes to meet a new face.
Still miss the familiar places.
I still am growing and learning and changing
Happy as a calm
Living by the water
Feeling the waves lap at my feet and the fish kiss my toes
Joy and peace fill my heart
Hopefully till the very end.