What's the point of living now,
When your dreams are going to die
Like the flowers in the sun
And the vapour inthe wind
One minute you are living,
The life you dreamt of living
The next minute everything changes
Yes,that's my life
What's the point of living anyway
When everyone wants to be like you
And you don't even want to be you
My iron walls are slowly breaking down
And soon they will reveal my true self
And i think they will no longer want to be me
Having a mother,
is every child's dream
But having a loving mother,
Is every child's fulfilled dream.
Yes i have a mother,
but only by the name
Cause i believe,she is the cause
of all my mysteries
The day she said yes,
She ruined my life
Marrying a rapist,molester
She brought him in as my "dad"
But one day,everything changed
He came home with a packet,
A green packet with some 2 tablets..
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