Teaching My Mind
Mind your manners
Sit up straight
No slouching
Better stay awake
My head hurts
And my eyes burn
Read the reports
It's my turn
Eyes all on me
Glossophobia's the word
God, I want to leave
There's that label:
When I want to learn
You let them laugh at me
They talk loud, they tease
And you just let them be
I care about my education
And they don't, not at all
You just want to get the day done
And as summer turns to fall
They all get antsy, and anxious
I still try to keep on course
They're all failing tests
And you feel no remorse
You, teacher, claim to care
About my educational state
But you are letting them take over
Those rotten, young, ingrates
"I hate homework"
"When is it due?"
"Shut up, dork!"
"Yeah, who asked you?"
I'm alone here
With my brain
And you don't care
We're all the same
To you I'm just another kid
Quietly passing through
You don't acknowledge that I'm trying
Doing all I can possibly do
And someday when I'm changing the world
A day not as far off as you may guess
I will still thank you in my speeches
For letting me be the best
For never settling down those other kids
Who always distracted you from our work
And making me learn everything on my own
Though the others called you a jerk
Your lack of care prepared me
For a world where I had to know
No one else can do it for me
I have to do it on my own