~Dedicated to Courtney Bennett, my 9th grade physical science teacher~
Badly broken, that’s what she is
There’s something about her green gaze that’s dead
Not quite alive
Her smile doesn’t reach her eyes
Her clothes hide all the weight she’s lost
Her sleeves and jeans cover the scars she bares
Her head contains the constant screaming thoughts
Maybe she’ll give into them one day
But for now,
The last person she’d expect to save her
Is right there
Holding her close
Although she pushes her away
For 45 minutes a day,
That person is able to see right through every fake smile
Every lie behind “yeah, I’m fine”
That person understands
And loves~
Her science teacher
Held her though everything
Her science teacher
Who’s fought wars herself
Gave her the strength
To carry on
You do more than teach mundane, repetitive knowledge
That seems to slip out of our heads the moment
The test comes.
And your students do more than drift off.
For one,
For the badly broken girl who listened in rapture,
you teach
The will to live.