Tackling Coronavirus
Pandemonium at houses, hush across the streets
The centenary, probably worst of all centuries
Hashtag "StaySafe" , in the trending tweets
Disrupted nations, even as mighty as Chinese
All this caused by this malignant disease
Transmitted from animals or imposed from the sky
All these rumors while the scientists actually sigh
Starts from fever, tiredness and dry cough
Unseldom critical when passes on to oldies
While statistics show most elders die-off
It has also knocked down ripens with ease
So stop being delusional, it's high time, please
Ensure thy guardrail, don't hit the trail
Empathize thee fingers, don't pull the hangnail
You may fetch venom, your own honeycomb
Be aware, rather taking on faith in falsities
Be clean and keen to stay at home
Wash hands, cover mouth when you sneeze
Wear mask, when going out to bring goodies
Staying at your place, you can still do a lot
Soil and water yourself, a seed unsought
Cherish books, delight in music, chat with friends
There's dramas, documentaries, countless movies
Go on enhancing skills, learning what's in trends
Pray to God, for what's gone and that He foresees
Fill time and rebound love within your families
Hope, It's is the only thing stronger than fear
Unquestionably, The Help of Allah SWT is near