Sweet Something Sweet You..
Sweet something sweet you. At night my mind kept I Awaken, prescription for my thoughts were you.Can were thee words that came out of my mouth,You became the worries of my soul. Fondness restricted,Your you was is the key to thee heart of i. Enthusiastic striken, your being intercepted corrected lost destroyedLife of i. Comfort exempted, wonders constructed theeHope of finding thee mate. Faith districted I, to get haveSomeone like you was were not in thee awareness of i.Imperfection as I am was never the less, I will willinglyAvail thee which is what I have for you everyday. You,I see the best perfection in you which is all I wish to haveAs mine. Feelings better the morning afternoon eveningAnd so the night, I find myself so fascinated to your being.Love turns out to be the key in all, I see you when my eyesClosed. Enthusiastic fondness makes I weaken, everySecond minute hour day makes I wishes to tell how muchI love you what you had made me feel. Unintentionally INever chose to, yet my heart felt so strong for you.