Survive Alive!
Life becomes mere existence
when you're mercilessly deprived
of everything for which you've hoped
and dreamed and worked and strived.
When all your dreams are shattered
like shards of daggered glass
then there are no good times,
simply years you must make pass.
Hours to endure with dignity
while peace flies with the wind,
while you search inner soul
for courage to rise again.
To be laughed at by the ignorant,
to be cursed and called a fool,
by those who do not share your plight,
by the unknowing, callous, cruel.
Then you must summon every resource
make your mind a blade of steel,
to skewer each advantage
and bend it to your will.
In the war with your tormentors
you can't let yourself be weak.
You must plan on your every action
always think before you speak.
Your heart and mind cannot be read,
so you must let your actions speak,
of the individual deep inside,
of the soul that is unique.
Only by mastering your secret self
can you hope to gain the prize
of inner strength and patience
and the serenity of the wise.
To be knocked down repeatedly,
only to rise again to fight
there's something quite indomitable
about those who champion right.
To brave a path that's difficult
on a way that's long and rough
builds character and resilience,
patient, kind, yet tough.
To know sadness so unbearable
it makes your poor heart bleed,
without breaking ' neath the pressure,
makes happiness gold, indeed.
Suffering teaches gratitude
for lack of pain and woe.
Patience always bridges change
and brings us time to grow.
Patience and serenity
are necessary to survive
and hope springs up eternal,
as long as we're alive.