The Sun is a Man
The Sun is a man, I’m sure…
Shining for me, and only me, in the morning,
Sitting with me at the end of my day;
Comforting me, sometimes consoling me,
But always thrilling me with streaks of red.
For a time…a time that feels so quick
But all the same, feels like forever.
He envelops me in color,
Protects me with his strength,
And he kisses my upturned face..
For a time, I was warm.
This time, I found quickly, was fleeting…
My immersion in his beauty,
Quickly turned to clouds of gray.
Thunder quaked above my head…
And deeply within my heart…
I thought it would last forever.
But the Sun is a man, I’m sure…
He changes with the seasons,
As I change with passing years.
With a blink it is summer.
I lay in the grass; again, enveloped, immersed…
Arms outstretched, eyes closed
Rays beaming on my thankful face,
And this time forever,
I am warm.