Struck on the Forge
Hearts are not malleable
Naturally. They rage and fight
and burn, for all to see.
But Life comes, and views them and says,
"Come, let us take of this material
and mkae something good."
And so I was struck on the forge,
the hammer bowling into me.
The fire burned, and when the pain
faded, I was placed into the fire
before I was struck again.
I loved a girl, but she did not love me.
"Whoosh!" the bellows blew.
I had to leave home, and go to college.
"Creak!", my heart groaned in the flame.
I felt so alone, so unready, and working to support myself,
"Clang!" The hammer fell.
I wasn't ready,
But that wasn't the point.
I'm ready, now. I'm shaped anew.
"Hiss!", the oil sizzles, and my new shape is formed.
"Look," I hear,
"your heart is purer now,
more solid, more whole."