Stranger in the Mirror
A man in bed
Loneliness fills his heart
Thoughts consume his head.
A buzz gives him a start
Glancing over to his phone
he gets up only to fall
quiet sobs emanate from he who is alone
sadness consumes the ball
of the broken man
curled up on the floor
unsteadily he stands
leaning heavily on the door
stumbling to the sink
clammy hands, watery eyes,
unable to think.
So vainly he tries
to put on his act and smile
but only a stranger is in the mirror
his life sits on trial,
finally his head gets clearer...
Days pass before he's missed,
he was just someone who existed.
No soul cares he's gone,
Nothing special about the day i died on.
A stranger in my own life,
filled with hate, sorrow, and strife,
nobody will miss the stranger in the mirror i saw
Nobody cared when i entered Death's terrible maw.