"Straight Man"
And just like that I became the snake to your apple.
However, you can’t deny the inherent curiosity you had swimming in you.
Not a tadpole, but a Kraken inside your blackened multitudinous seas.
She leaped from drop to drop looking to eat your hunger for the compatibility of domination.
Because in the end, you’re not curious, you’re emasculated.
Is she too much for you? Are we too little for you?
She keeps you in your place and you keep us in ours.
Keep us in our ghetto, and keep us on all fours.
Keep him in his office, “bring the bacon home”.
For I am not happy either, but I do not stray like a child to the pedophiles candy.
I stay because apple there may be, Lilith lives in me.
Eve can be my myth, but Lilith is my reality.