The Storm and the Ship (a dream of life beyond boundaries)
There is a ship tossing and turning upon the waves far off in the distance… just out of reach.
There is a promise aboard that ship, a promise of beauty and adventure. Of life that is more than what is on shore, of an escape from the muck and squalor of the land. The ocean is vast and mysterious, beautiful and mystical, fearsome and vast.
The ocean calls those who live in sadness and timidity. "Step out upon the open waves", it says "Run fast to the ship tossing in the surf". "Travel to distant lands full of new and wonderous things". "Escape the pain of the past and embrace the future!" "Press forward like the bow of the ship into the waves, into the storm, for the storm is glorious and mighty and powerful!"
The world is best seen from the bow of the ship with eyes of wonder and an open heart. Here lies beauty and magic! Here is the awesomeness of the world clear as the sky and the water blue. The ocean will always call and always await, ready for those who would go leaping into the spray. A beautiful and wonderful dream a glorious and passionate future in the great wide world.