By: Cody Burnette
Stop lookin’ at me like that!
I’ve graduated top of my class
I work hard for straight A’s I don’t believe in I just need a “C” to pass
Stop lookin’ at me like that!
Yes computer science is my major of preference
I’m sorry you can’t say “Kobe!” like your favorite basketball reference
Stop lookin’ at me like that!
Oh I can’t browse these shelves or look at these items
Sorry sir, it seems I make people of your descent frightened
Stop lookin’ at me like that!
My hands are up, don’t shoot!
It’s too late, I’m another “brother” in an orange jumpsuit
Stop lookin’ at me like that!
But wait! Now you can look, I’m the brother that hit his books
Keep looking! Stare deep in my eyes! Do my six figures make me blend in with the other guys?
Back then you use to chastise or downsize and look at me as if I wasn’t humanized? But now you're hypnotized and your fantasized and you idolize because I’ve realized my success, and I’ve improvised with my hardships so know I can publicize my talents!
What took you so long to visualize?
Don’t look at me like that now. This is America, home of the free land of the brave; all minorities make take a bow.
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I honestly have chills reading this, definitely one of my favorites.
Hey man! Nice rhymes. I like your message. But maybe we need stop seeing ourselves and each other as "minorities" and "majorities" and see each other as people? See each other as Americans? See each other as souls hand-picked and hand-crafted by God himself? Jesus brings together those who believe because everyone is nothing compared to Him and therefore we are brought together through His perfection and our imperfection.
Dang. Tough