Stolen Breath
I find beauty in great heights,
but that's my biggest fright.
To soar above the clouds like a bird,
It would leave me speechless, without a word.
Yet I sit upon this tall rock,
Surrounded by the river's flock
Of people so ready to jump into the water
yet when I stand I totter,
afriad to see the sights below,
the sights I wish to know.
I ponder whether to back down,
or to jump and ultimatly drown.
Torn between these two emotions,
My brain and body in a commotion,
I sit upon this rock as a prisoner of my mind,
a prisoner surrounded by the unkind.
The looks they give, it means nothing,
my mind is racing, I must do something!
My body stands, my mind goes blank,
I walk straight like upon a plank,
I apporach the edge,
My toes rest on the ledge,
I stand high upon this rock,
and see a flying hawk,
it's height proceeds to mock,
my inability to leave this rock.
I am a zombie, brainless,
I jump, hoping for it to be painless.
The worlds a blur,
my stomach begins to stir,
It's gone black within my sight,
I'm stricken with true fright,
But I brave a peek,
Immediatly my mind goes weak,
I plunge my body into the cold,
My lungs are tight in a deathly hold,
I surface with fear,
I cant even hear.
My senses gone I begin to gasp,
Just trying to get a grasp,
on the reality around me,
I braved the jump and set myself free.
I braved the pain of empty lungs,
and a back whose muscle's had been flung,
flat onto the surface,
and had immediatly become worthless.
West Virginia changed my life,
and even through this painful strife,
I learned to conquer fear,
I learned to live, my conscious clear.