Still Breathing
I’m not quite sure if I still have lungs
I feel like I’m respirating
I still smell
I still feel my chest expand and deflate
I’m still alive
But I don’t feel like I’m breathing
I feel like I’m suffocating
Must be well-rounded
Must have perfect grades
Must try to exercise
Must attend extracirriculars
Must apply to college
Must apply for scholarships
Do you want to be in debt
That’s not a real major
You wont get a job
Why haven’t you applied more
Why aren’t you trying harder
Artist isn’t a real occupation
Artists starve
Artists are artists because they aren’t good enough for real jobs
Do whatever makes you happy
You can be whatever you want
Except that
You are too good to be an artist
You’re wasting your potential
You wont get scholarships because you’re middle class
You’re wasting your time
You’re not thin enough
Your grades are not perfect enough
You’re not talented enough
You don’t get roles now why do you think you’d get them in college
You aren’t rounded enough
I scream
I sob
I’m silent
I’m stoic
I’m secluded
Why don’t you go out
Why don’t you smile anymore
Why don’t you talk
Why are you so emotional
Why don’t you just be happy
Why don’t you just relax
Just stop worrying
Just stop caring
Just do what you’re told
We know whats best
We know what you want
We know you
Anatomy says I must have lungs.
I breathe and speak and I still function
I still sing when I’m told
Still speak when prompted to
I still fell the expanding and deflating of my chest
I still smell my food
But I still don’t feel like I’m breathing
I want to follow my dreams
I want to feel like what I’m doing is right
I want to love what I do
I don’t want to be
A doctor
A lawyer
A physicist
A psychologist
A teacher
A biologist
A Engineer
I want to be an artist
It brings me joy
It makes me feel alive
It makes me feel good about myself
I’m not doing it for the money
I’m not doing it for respect
I do it for love
I do it for happiness
I do it so I wont wake up one day
Hating what I’ve done with my life because
Money came before my happiness.
I may only write once
At least on this subject
But I will perform forever
Because that’s who I am
So I will find a way
I will go to school
I will be a fine arts major
And I will be happy
Because even though right now
It doesn’t feel like it
I am still breathing
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I know this is years after this was posted, but I found it recently and agree with the sentiments expressed. I completely understand feeling like my own breathing is detached from myself, almost like my soul is holding its breath while my body goes through the motions. I wanted to thank you for inspiring a poem I wrote, so I made an account. I hope you were able to do everything people said you couldn't in the eight years since you posted this. At least from my perspective after reading this poem, you seem very talented and motivated. The words weren't strong, but I could feel the emotions behind them. Thank you again.