They have their hand in the air
The ones with the black suits and briefcases stride forward
The others seam to fall forward
Their hand raised in a call for balance
Rather than a call for thin, yellow medaled cars to stop
They lower their hands in emberassment when the Taxi flies by
There are two women taking a picture
Their dresses sparkling like tears
Their smiles opaque and thick
A child is crying
Coated figures trudge along the sidewalk
I wonder where they are going
A woman in heels flies at an impressive pace across the street
I wonder where she is going
The rythym of the city is chaotic and familiar
Swelling and crashing into a crescendo of horns and sirens
Footsteps and fluttering scarves
But I am still
There are no clouds in the sky today
But there are mountains
Crooked peaks melting into the blue
Even from the bank I can see the sugar coating the tips
The lillies are wagging their heads
The water is sighing
The trees shuddering
People say they like nature because of the peace and quiet
I wonder if they have ever been outside
It is not quiet at all
I wonder if they can hear the wind breathing
Or the burbbling of the water
The birds' sweet voice
Demure at first, but rising in volume and luster
Can they hear the insects?
Hear their loud chirrups and buzzings?
Here they are unafraid
I hear foliage brushing
I hear a heartbeat
It could be mine, but I feel it deep in the ground
And I smile
Because in all the noise and fleeting chaos
In every action
I am a whitness
Untouched by it all
Because I am Still