Starting With ONE
Spontaneity and memory
Symbiotic for centuries
Memories are just outside your barriers
You are the carrier
So, take a hand and let yourself be free
Be whatever it is you want to be
For as soon as you do…
you will see all that you can truly be
In each of us there is layers
Unfortunately we live in a society
That teaches us to hide behind our petals
But just as you did when you were a kid
Pluck each petal off and show that this is what it is
For in each of us there is wealth
No, not money or coins
They’re worth absolutely nothing
And you are worth something
You are worth everything
Despite what society tells you
You must break down your barriers
Pluck away the petals
And you will see
All that you can truly be
Spontaneity and memories
Are not the only relationship you will need
See, humans need humans
At our innermost core
We need connections and nothing more
But, choose wisely
For if you choose those who seek to destroy
they will drain you of your inner joy
Don’t let their judgements hold you back
Who cares about what you lack
For in our innermost core
We need connections and nothing more
So, choose wisely those relationships
For a broken heart is hard to fix
But the connections will raise you up
Free you of the judgements of society
Release all anxiety
And simply be who you want to be
Be free
Try new things, embrace your inner wonderlust
And eventually your mindset will adjust
And only then can you see
See the person you were truly meant to be
Smash the mirrors of society, release all that anxiety
Be free