Star Mangled Banner
How can you so callously
Strip our lives away
Does the color of our skin
Make you think we feel no pain
When we riot in the streets
For our brothers who've been slain
Why are you now the victim
How can justice so flippantly be denied
When beside you
We have gone to war, fought, and died
And built this country
With hands behind our backs tied
In shackles that you gave us
Has not the same
God made us
Yet you remain shameless
Eyes cold in apathy
You count yourself blameless
Hand on the bible
Yet your actions are heinous
You lay us out
In cold blood
Both Hands up
But you "stood your ground”
There is no "safe and sound” for us
When fearfully we evade
Your gaze filled with hatred
Bullets punctuating
The anthem of this nation
Sirens sound in the background
Of our imagination
Pacing , heart racing
In the land of the free
It’s nice to finally know
That it doesn’t include me.