Standing up for the T in LGBT.
I stare at myself in the mirror,
And the image looking back at me is one that is disappointing,
I look in the mirror and the body that appears infront of me,
does not match my mind.
You look at me and you see someone I am not.
The phrases of "She", "Her", "Miss", and "M'am" are ones that feel like knifes through my chest,
you see, I was born a girl, but I am a man.
Some say it's a mental disorder,
that I've lost my mind,
Even those who are supposed to support me,
the members of the Lgbt community,
however the T in Lgbt is often forgotten.
I will not stay quiet,
I will not shy away because of your rude comments,
I refuse to be another statstic,
I am transgender you see,
Can't you simply understand that I am just another human being?
Please do not stare,
please do not shout,
Please do not kill me with the words that so easily flow from your mouth,
I see myself, I see my physical form and I cry, then I smile.
I smile because one day I know I will physically becomes the man I mentally already am.